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‘Duchess of Edinburgh’ has spectacular, double white 4-6″ flowers that are very fluffy and rosette-shaped. Early flowers may be touched with green. This vine grows best in a fertile, well-drained, alkaline soil. A choice site is key to the success of establishing this perennial; roots should be kept cool and moist. Attracts Butterflies. ‘Duchess of Edinburgh’ can either be grown in a garden planting or is suitable for container gardening. Excellent for walls, arbors, pergolas, trellises, and poles. Its effect is quite spectacular when grown against a dark background. Repeat bloomers; prune immediately after flowering. During summer single flowers are produced on new growth. It thrives best in full sun.
Pruning Group 2 – Early to midseason flowering cultivars and rebloomers. These varieties begin to bloom in early summer, with the first flush of flowers appearing on the previous year’s growth. This is followed by a second flush of flowers appearing on the new growth. These flowers will likely be smaller than the first ones and flowers that were double the first time may be single the second time. The time to prune this group is in late winter or early spring. Dead and weak shoots should be removed and the remaining shoots cut back to 6-9 inches above a couple of well-developed buds.
Clematis is a genus of over 250 species, most of which are woody to semi-woody deciduous vines climbing by twining leaf stalks or in some cases trailing over support, but in a few cases grow as freestanding or sprawling herbaceous perennials and small deciduous or evergreen shrubs. Most have flat, cupped or bell-shaped flowers. Some plants feature ornamental fluffy seed heads in autumn. Plants bear opposite, simple to compound leaves which are usually deciduous but sometimes evergreen. Compound leaves range from lobed to trifoliate to biternate to pinnate to bipinnate. Clematis is native to both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres including Europe, the Himalayas, China, Australia, North America, and Central America.