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Great for cooking, very healthy and easy to grow! Onions are one of the most popular vegetables in the home garden. They are easy to grow and they perform best in well-drained, slightly acidic, fertile soil in full sun.
They may be planted so the sets are nearly touching and then harvest every other one for green table onions when tops reach 6″ tall. Dry bulbs will be ready for harvest when tops have dried and fallen over naturally, usually in August or September. Lift onions gently with a fork and store in cool, dry conditions.
Planting Instructions: Plant in early spring in well-drained, well-cultivated soil. Plant when the soil is workable. 1. Push the sets 1-2" into the soil at 3-6" intervals for dry onions. 2. Cover with 1-2" of dirt. 3. Water immediately. Four to five weeks after planting, side-dress with additional fertilizer. Place the fertilizer in a narrow band about 2 to 3 inches from the base of the onion plants.