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    RHUBARB ‘VICTORIA‘ 3/4“ -1 1/2“ - RH9210 (15 PKGS.X 2)

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    Hardy, GMO-free, northern grown vegetables are low maintenance and will harvest vegetables!

    Great for PIES! Super combined with strawberries in desserts! ‘Victoria’ Rhubarb features juicy, medium-sized stalks. ‘Victoria’ has been a favored variety for many years. With its huge leaves and thick green stalks, it is striking enough to have for display purposes. It also has a wonderful tart flavor and serves superbly in pies and sauces. Leaf stalks can be harvested starting in spring over an 8 week period once plants are mature. It is a heavy producer and excellent for commercial purposes. This is the best cooking rhubarb, bar none, noticeably sweeter and milder than all others. Stalks are slender and very tender, so it’s quick and easy to cook. Plants are prolific with stalks of green with a red blush. It develops pink speckling on a light green stalk with the pink color being more intense at the bottom of the stalk, fading to a solid green near the top. The plants have striking, large greenish-red colored leaves. Produces large stalks of excellent quality, long, round with smooth ribs.

    Planting instructions: Plant in early spring in any well-drained, fertile soil, in the sun. Space plants about 3 ft. apart. If planted too closely, they will be scrawny and more susceptible to disease. For best results do not harvest the first year and few the second year and following harvests will be bountiful for years to come. When harvesting, do not remove more than half of the stalks at any time so the roots will maintain their strength for the next season. To harvest, twist the stalk while pulling sideways and trim off the tops. Plant in the spring, after the ground warms to about 50º F.