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    Grow Your Own Fresh Fruit! Bred especially for southern growers! ‘Eversweet’ everbearer, fruits throughout spring, summer, and fall. ‘Eversweet’ tolerates temperatures over 100 degrees without loss of fruit quality. Large berries are exceptionally flavorful. Outstanding flavor, and works well in bedding plant packs and hanging baskets. ‘Eversweet’ shows very good results all over the country. ‘Everbearing’ strawberries deliver fruit all summer, with a large initial harvest and a steady crop the rest of the season. Like June bearers, they are very easy to grow and will do well most anywhere. Plant both Junebearers and everbearers for a constant supply of fresh fruit.

    Have you discovered everbearing, or “day neutral,” strawberries yet? They’re terrific for far northern gardens and indispensable for out-of-season berries everywhere else – even indoor winter crops! Just made for hanging baskets, pouches, and other space-saving settings, ‘Eversweet’ will keep you in berries long after the June-bearers have set their last!

    To enjoy fresh, juicy strawberries from your own garden, begin by setting plants out as early as possible in the spring. Spade the soil deeply and set the plants in double or triple rows. Strawberries also do well planted in containers.

    Runners should be removed as well as the first flush of flowers so plants can direct energy into establishing a strong root system. For winter protection, cover plants with straw or leaves after the temperature has fallen to about 20° F. Remove covering in the spring once growth begins. The bed should be replaced after two years because quality and yield begin to decrease.